Let the favor of the LORD our God be upon us; and confirm for us (or give permanence to) the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands. – Psalm 90:17
The favor of God upon us turns our ordinary works into extraordinary exploits. Any prosaic task has the potential to become a transformative and divinely inspired endeavor with God’s favor. The mundane can become a platform for the miraculous.
With God’s favor, a typical work becomes a catalyst for His mighty works. We see this in David who signed up to bring lunch to his brothers and ended up killing the giant who has been holding up God’s army. The poor widow who is down to her last cup of flour chose to bake bread for the prophet first, and the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry until it rained. The paltry meal, just five loaves and two fish, from the little boy’s hands fed a multitude and the remaining food filled up 12 baskets. These are stories that inspire us and invite us to live the life that He intended for us.
When we have the favor of God upon us, we are positioned to partner with the Holy Spirit in bringing heaven to earth. We are favored and blessed so that the world around us will be transformed by His influence in and through us.
When the favor of God is upon us, the outcome of our works is tilted towards permanence. The temporal becomes empowered by His eternal grace. What our hands touch, our works under God’s blessings, no matter how small it may seem, has the influence and imprints of heaven.