The Ultimate Transformation

The purposes of God are unchanging. He is intentional in seeing the whole Earth filled with His glory. He is passionate in seeing a generation who would host His Presence, be saturated with His Love, and demonstrate the power and superiority of His Kingdom by destroying the works of darkness and setting free the captives. He desires to invade this world with His supernatural

Kingdom, and to bring Heaven to Earth in every nation, tongue, and tribe. God wants to work with us and through us for He believes in us and loves us dearly as the Eternal Father.


This manual will guide you in encountering the Father’s love, in experiencing Jesus, and ultimately expressing His light. Our encounters with the Father will baptize us in His love and as we go deeper in intimacy, our identity will be made clear and we will be propelled into our destiny. There is nothing that can compare to the joy of the Father seeing His sons and daughters step into their destiny of bringing His Heaven to Earth.

This book will help you to :

  • Grow deeper in your encounters with the Father 
  • Realize what Jesus’ baptism signify to every believer
  • Recognize your divine identity and release you to your destiny 

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The Mark

The Mark talks about blessing or the bestowal of supernatural favour from God. We have been marked for blessing. But issues of sins and a wrong mindset can hinder us from receiving this favour. The Mark invites the...


To constantly live with the awareness of His love towards us is the pathway to knowing Him deeper. There is an invitation to walk deeper with Him who is Perfect Love. We are created in His image and likeness, to live in...

Soaking in God's Presence

Intimacy with God is a key to greater spiritual authority and power. This manual will serve as a guide for you to develop a lifestyle of intimacy with God - seeing His face and hearing His voice...


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"How to be Still" e-Book Today!

Are you having a hard time with being still? There are countless ways to spend time with God. This book will help and guide you on how to be still in His Presence, especially during this unprecedented time. Hope this bless you all.

Are you having a hard time with being still? There are countless ways to spend time with God. This book will help and guide you on how to be still in His Presence, especially during this unprecedented time. Hope this bless you all.


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