Tag Archives for " presence "

Fruitfulness in Intimacy

The Parable of the Vine and the Branches in John 15 contains secrets to kingdom lifestyle of fruitfulness, abundance, intimacy, authority, favor, joy and fullness of life. This parable outlines how we should live our lives on this earth as citizens of the Kingdom of God. The essence of our Christian life is captured in Jesus’ words saying, “abide in Me and I will abide in you”. This is what divine union is all about and it is only possible through the Holy Spirit alone. We have access to be in the Presence of God at all times by abiding and remaining in Jesus organically – in living, love-relationship.

Intimacy brings us to the depths of God in Christ. What is true to Christ is true to us in that place. Just as the life-giving sap of the vine flows through all the branches, all the Life that is in Christ flows through us as we remain in Him. Eternal fruits are natural by-products of this divine union with Him.  These fruits are born out of the inner workings of the Holy Spirit in and through us as we respond in faith and obedience. These fruits lead to the expansion and demonstration of the Kingdom of God to the world around us.  He is glorified when we bear much fruit and that our fruits remain. Fruits could be signs and wonders and miracles through us. Or it could be breakthroughs, victories, exploits, creativity, wisdom and all that’s available from heaven to us His children.

The fruits of our union with God in the secret place can be manifested in every aspect of our being. What happens in the secret will be rewarded in the open.  This goes beyond our responsibility and ministry in the church. It encompasses our spirit, our soul and body.  In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant remained with the family of Obed-edom in his house for three months. “And the Lord blessed his family with all that he had.” (1 Chronicles 13:14). The Ark is the only physical thing in the Old Testament that ‘housed’ the glorious Presence of God.

God’s Presence brings blessings and fruitfulness. David confidently declared in the wilderness while Saul, driven by jealousy, was running after him to kill him yet he said, “my soul is satisfied with marrow and fatness” (Psalm 63:5). The physical setting around him was contrary to this proclamation, but David was so assured of the blessings and the abundance of God coming his way. Why? Because God was with him and that he made His Presence his dwelling place and refuge. In Psalm 23 he wrote, “…surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”  How’s that for boldness and confidence.

Psalm 42 Longing for the Streams

Psalm 42 expresses precious insights on the unwavering pursuit of God amidst navigating difficult moments in life. The psalm started with “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You” (verse 1). This is how we should seek God if we want a face-to-face encounter. This inward thirst touches God’s heart. He is ready to answer the hungry with the greatness of His power and the abundance of His goodness. Our spiritual longing for a drink is answered with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is the nature of God, there is just no measure in what He is able and willing to give to His children. He reveals His glory in the midst of our brokenness and our deepest needs.

In the middle of the song the sons of Korah wrote,

“Deep calls unto deep at the sound of Thy waterfalls; All thy breakers and Thy waves have rolled over” (verse 7).

The whole psalm is full of powerful imagery of what happens when we hunger and thirst for Him. And this verse captures a profound truth, that when we pursue Him in times of desperation and danger we are met by His overwhelming Presence- the roaring sound of the waterfalls and the breakers and waves of a mighty ocean. The imagery is captivating yet certainly the reality of His Presence.

The psalm ended with a powerful revelation expressed in an internal dialogue leading into a deep transformation.  “Why are you in despair O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance, and my God” (verse 11). We always live in this ongoing tension between feeling trapped in a desperate situation and yet trusting Him, believing that He will breakthrough for us.

We must choose to dive deeper into His Presence no matter what. It is this unwavering pursuit and hunger to see God’s Face and His mighty acts that lead us into a deeper revelation of Who God really is – in us and for us. We are presented with these rich insights in every line of this empowering song. Indeed, there is hope to behold in the midst of our struggles.